[MLE] EFA Monitoring report

Dear MLE friends,
The Unesco EFA Monitoring report which was released last week has lots of references to language issues. One quote:

"People who do not speak a country's official language often face marginalization in education and beyond. Around 221 million children speak a different language at home from the language of instruction in school. Put simply, one of the reasons that many linguistic and ethnic minority children perform poorly in school is that they are taught in a language they struggle to understand.
Addressing language-related disadvantage confronts governments and households with major challenges. Research demonstrates that children in their early years learn best when taught in their home language, with other languages gradually introduced. But parents and children often rightly see learning in an official national language as a key to future employment and enhanced life chances. Many countries are seeking to find the right balance though bilingual education programmes.
Linguistic diversity creates challenges, however, in areas such as teacher recruitment, curriculum development and teaching materials, and providing policies for bilingual education are often not fully implemented. In Peru, only around 10% of indigenous children attend intercultural bilingual schools."

You can download the full report or summary from here: http://www.unesco.org/en/efareport/reports/2010-marginalization/
Thanks to Dr Pam Mackenzie for the tip.


Karsten van Riezen
Education Consultant, SIL Int.

SIL, South Asia Group
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-------- Original Message --------
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 05:18:28 -0500
From: pamelajmackenzie@aol.com
To: karsten_van_riezen@sil.org

Did you send this round to the group?  It's the report by SC.  I am sure you did, but can't remember, so thought I'd ask....
There's also some summary of ethnic and linguistic minorities in this: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0017/001778/177849e.pdf
I guess you also sent the GMR round too?  http://www.unesco.org/en/efareport/reports/2010-marginalization/ (summary and full report downloadable from here... Was launched last week I think.  Lots on language).

Dr Pamela MacKenzie
International Network for Development, UK
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