[MLE] Asia-Pacific EFA Mid-Decade assessment: Meeting Report Available online

Dear MLE friends,
UNESCO Bangkok has recently published a report on the latest Asia-Pacific EFA coordinators' meeting that took place in October 2005. The book is available online at http://www2.unescobkk.org/elib/publications/081/index.htm

Section 1.5 of the book is on language issues.


Karsten van Riezen
Education Consultant, SIL Int.

EFA Mid-Decade assessment: Meeting Report - 7th Annual EFA Coordinators Meeting / EFA Mid-Decade Assessment Planning Meeting, 24-29 October 2005, Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok, 2005, 164 p.
ISBN 92-9223-081-6

This report contains a summary of presentations and the recommendations agreed to by country representatives during the EFA Mid-Decade Assessment Planning Meeting in October 2005. It contains recommendations on specific issues related to each EFA goal that should be studied as part of the assessment and recommendations on how to make the process participatory, relevant and effective. This report, published by UNESCO Bangkok's AIMS Unit, can be a useful reference for countries planning to assess their progress and gaps in achieving the EFA goals.