MLE Related Resources

MLE related Resources

Note: This is a work in progress. Please let us know about books/readings you would recommend.

Major websites on Multilingual Education:

Book production software:

MLE-related books available in India

Gupta, Vikas; Agnihotri, Rama Kant; Panda, Minati. Education and Inequality. Orient BlackSwan, 2021.

Sachdeva, Rajesh; Agnihotri, Rama Kant. Being and Becoming Multilingual: Some Narratives. Orient Blackswan, 2021.

Ofelia García, Ofelia; M.Y. Lin, Angel. 2017. Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Springer.

Mahanand, Mahendra, and K. Mishra Anand. 2017. Multilingual Education in India: The Case for English. First edition. Viva Books.

Heugh, Kathleen, and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, (eds.) 2010. Multilingual Education Works: From the Periphery to the Centre. Orient Blackswan.

Skutnabb-Kangas, T, R. Phillipson, A.K. Mohanty. and Panda M. 2009. Social Justice through Multilingual Education. Orient Blackswan.

García, Ofelia, Skutnabb-Kangas,Tove; and Torres-Guzmán.E. 2006. Imagining Multilingual Schools. Languages in Education and Glocalization. Orient Blackswan.

Jhingran. Language Disadvantage: 2005. The Learning Challenge in Primary Education. APH Publishing Corporation.

Daswani, C. J. 2001. Language Education in Multilingual India. UNESCO.

Pattanayak, Debi Prasanna. 1990. Multilingualism in India. Multilingual Matters Ltd.

Menon, S., Sinha, S., Das, H. V., & Pydah, A. (Eds.). (2020). Multilingual education in India. Early Literacy Initiative Resource Book Series. Hyderabad: Early Literacy Initiative, Tata Institute of Social Sciences & Bhopal: Eklavya Foundation.

Parikh, Riya & Menon, Shailaja. 2019. Using Mother Tongue to Facilitate English Language Learning in Low Exposure Settings. Early Literacy Initiative Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad Practitioner Brief (18) 

UNESCO Publications

“Why mother language-based education is essential”. February 18, 2022. Why mother language-based education is essential | UNESCO

Wisbey, Matt. 2017. Mother tongue-based multilingual education: The key to unlocking SDG 4: Quality Education for All. UNESCO. International Conference on Language and Education: Sustainable Development through Multilingual Education, Bangkok Thailand, October 2016. Mother tongue-based multilingual education: the key to unlocking SDG 4: quality Education for All.

UNESCO. 2014. Multilingual education: Why is it important? How to implement it? Multilingual education: Why is it important? How to implement it?.

Ball, Jessica Ball. 2011. Enhancing learning of children from diverse language backgrounds: Mother tongue-based bilingual or multilingual education in the early years. Analytical review commissioned by UNESCO, 2010, 2011. University of Victoria. Enhancing learning of children from diverse language backgrounds: mother tongue-based bilingual or multilingual education in the early years.

2007. Advocacy Kit for promoting Multilingual Education: Including the excluded. Bangkok: UNESCO. Five booklets. MTB MLE resource kit: Including the excluded: promoting multilingual education

UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific. 2005. First language first: Community-based literacy programmes for minority language contexts in Asia. Book (2005) First language first: community-based literacy programmes for minority language contexts in Asia

Papers Reports

World Bank. Loud and Clear: Effective Language of Instruction Policies for Learning. The World Bank July 14, 2021. LOUD AND CLEAR: Effective Language of Instruction Policies for Learning

The Bangkok Statement on Language and Inclusion 20 Feb 2020 UNESCO The Bangkok Statement on Language and Inclusion

Dr King, Lid . The Impact of Multilingualism on Global Education and Language Learning. The Languages Company. UCLES 2018 The Impact of Multilingualism on Global Education and Language Learning

Trudell, Barbara: Young, Catherine. 2016. Good answers to tough questions in mother tongue-based multilingual education. SIL International. Good answers to tough questions in mother tongue–based multilingual education | Unesco IIEP Learning Portal

Pinnock,Helen with Vijayakuma,Gowri (2009) Language and education: the missing link; How the language used in schools threatens the achievement of education For All . Save the children. Language and education: the missing link

MacKenzie,Pamela (2009) Paper provided to UNHCR Geneva; Multilingual Education among Minority Language Communities with reference to the development of MLE programmes in India Multilingual Education For Minority Language Communities in Ind

Steps Towards Learning: A guide to overcoming language barriers in children’s education (2009) Save the children. Steps Towards Learning - A Guide to Overcoming Language Barriers in Children's Education

Dr Tove Skutnabb Kangas. Minorities and access to education UN Forum on Minority Issues (2008). Minorities and Access to Education

Mohanty (2006) Multilingualism of the Unequals and Predicaments of Education in India: Mother Tongue or Other Tongue? Chapter 13 Ed, Garcia and Skutnabb Kangas (PDF) Chapter 13. Multilingualism of the Unequals and Predicaments of Education in India: Mother Tongue or Other Tongue?: Languages in Education and Glocalization

Mohanty 2005 Perpetuating Inequality: Language Disadvantage and Capability Deprivation of Tribal mother Tongue Speakers in India Paper presented in Cornell Conference on Language and Poverty, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, October 14-16, 2005 Chapter 7. Perpetuating Inequality: Language Disadvantage and Capability Deprivation of Tribal Mother Tongue Speakers in India | Request PDF

World Bank (2005) In their own language, Education for All. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. On WWW at: In Their Own Language : Education for All

Mohanty, Ajit K. 1990. "Psychological consequences of mother tongue maintenance and multilingualism in India." In Pattanayak, D. P. (editor). 1990.Multilingualism in India. Clevendon, Avon, England Psychological Consequences of Mother-tongue Maintenance and the Language of Literacy for Linguistic Minorities in India - Ajit K. Mohanty, 1990 

Mamidi, Bharath Bhushan. June 2017. "Challenges in Inclusive Education: Multi Lingual Education in Elementary Schools of Andhra Pradesh, India." International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice, Horizon Research Publishing

Vol.5. No.2, pp. 58-69 Challenges in Inclusive Education: Multi Lingual Education in Elementary Schools of Andhra Pradesh, India 


National Council of Educational Research and Training. November 2011. "Programme Evaluation Report - Multilingual Education in Orissa." NCERT. Programme Evaluation Report - Multilingual Education in Orissa" NCERT

Publication by New Education Group Foundation for Innovation and Research in Education(NEG-FIRE). 2017. "Learning Outcomes of Children and Teachers' Attitudes and Skills on Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education(A Rapid Assessment in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh)" NEF-FIRE Publication. Learning Outcomes of Children and Teachers' Attitudes and Skills on Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education(A Rapid Assessment in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh)

Centre for Early Childhood Development and Research, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. Commissioned by Bernard van Leer Foundation(BvLF). February 2021. " An Evaluation of Mother Tongue Based Early Learning and Parents+(MTELP+) Programme" Jamia Milia Islamia and BvLF  An Evaluation of Mother Tongue Based Early Learning and Parents+(MTELP+) Programme