
[MLE] Jharkhand: Tribal and regional language development

Dear MLE friends, Some good news from Jharkhand: chief minister Madhu Koda made tall promises for the betterment of the tribal and regional languages. Read on…

[MLE] Fwd: [Edling] Hyderabad: Demand for tribal language academy

Dear MLE friends, Below some news on the demand for a special academy for development of tribal languages in Hyderabad . See reference below.

[MLE] Language Development Conference in Thailand Jul 1-3 ; call for papers

Dear MLE friends, Below is the announcement of an excellent conference on MLE which is here in the region. Last time (2003?) there was quite a group from India participating and giving good papers. I trust that will work out this time again.

[MLE] 2008 Education for All Global Monitoring Report.doc

Dear MLE friends, I think it is for the first time that the AFA monitoring report has a section on MLE. Also India is mentioned in it. The relevant section is attached. See below.

[MLE] "Knowledge-Acquisition" (lang & ed in Hong Kong)

Dear MLE, It has been a while since there was something worth forwarding on MLE. The below is interesting because it confirms the statement that MLE is not really about “language” but about “learner centred teaching”.