
[MLE] Jharkhand | Now, read Shakespeare in Santhali

Dear MLE friends, “ Now, read Shakespeare in Santhali - Orissa writer translates Midsummer Night’s Dream, comes up with T-shirts & handbags to popularise Ol Chiki script”

[MLE] 2009 Education for All Global Monitoring Report Available

Dear MLE friends, “ The medium of instruction had statistically significant effects: if at least half of schools offer the opportunity to learn in a home language, attendance rises by approximately 10% (Smits et al., 2008).”  And some more interesting statements below.

[MLE] Report on Oct-2008 MLE Conference, BBSR

Dear MLE friends, Orissa Primary Education Programme Authority ( OPEPA) in collaboration with UNICEF, Orissa organised last October a National Conference on Tribal Education with Special Focus on Multilingual Education . Attached is a report which gives a summary of all the papers presented. These presentations are very relevant as several of the people who presented are well aware of the grass-roots situation. 55 pages of experiences, reflections and suggestions!

[ MLE] The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (2008) Vol17, No 2

Dear MLE friends, Some of you might be interested in the below announcement.

[MLE] UKLA Research Grants and Awards

Dear MLE friends, May the below mentioned sponsor can fund some research on MLE? Check it out!